If you haven’t personally experienced an unpleasant stomach bug this winter, you probably know someone who has: Norovirus cases have been spiking in the U.S. for months now. In early December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released data showing that reported outbreaks had more than doubled compared to the same time period between 2021 and 2023.
Norovirus outbreaks can be hard to contain in part because the virus is *extremely* contagious. It very easily spreads from person to person through someone who already has the virus or from contaminated food, water, or surfaces. The condition causes a flurry of gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pain. “Just 10 or more particles of this small virus can lead to illness, and it can live on contaminated surfaces for one to two weeks,” says Sherrill Brown, M.D., medical director of Infection Prevention at AltaMed Health Services in Sacramento, Calif. “It’s very common for us to see an increase of cases during the winter months when people are in close quarters.
And, frustratingly, a number of go-to disinfecting tools (we’re looking at you, hand sanitizer) can’t be used to combat norovirus. “Many general household soaps and detergents are ineffective at penetrating norovirus’s protective outer layer,” explains Rebecca Choudhury, M.D., an infectious disease physician and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, N.Y. This can make it particularly tricky to avoid the virus, not to mention properly disinfect things in case someone in your household gets sick.
Luckily, there are other ways to deep-clean surfaces, clothing, and yourself if you come in contact with someone who has norovirus. Here’s what you need to know to minimize the spread.
First, which household cleaners don’t work against norovirus?
Many standard cleaning products don’t effectively kill norovirus on household surfaces, leading experts say. “While there are many disinfecting products on the market, it’s important for consumers to know that most of them are NOT completely effective at killing the norovirus,” says Dr. Brown. That includes:
- Hand sanitizer: These convenient on-the-go formulas can protect against lots of other germs, and they’re fine to use in a pinch. But because norovirus is so stubborn, hand washing with soap and water is a far better strategy to get the virus off your skin, according to the CDC. “Alcohol-based cleaning agents, including alcohol-based hand sanitizers, do not kill norovirus,” warns Dr. Choudhury.
- Disinfecting wipes: Another convenient solution, disposable wipes are handy for wiping down dirty surfaces like kitchen counters, door knobs, and bathroom sinks. But they’re not your best defense for removing norovirus from surfaces, per the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
- Dish soap: This one is especially vexing because norovirus is a leading foodborne illness, per the CDC, and outbreaks can start after people eat certain contaminated foods, like raw shellfish or lettuce. The germ can also spread from sharing food or utensils. However, dish soap can’t get rid of the virus completely.
What actually helps kill norovirus, then?
While household cleaners like hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes help remove other types of germs, you’ll need stronger disinfectants that can kill norovirus. Consider your options:
On your hands
- Antibacterial liquid hand soap: Scrubbing with antibacterial soap and then rinsing them with water is the surest way to get norovirus off your hands. In a study published in the journal, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, liquid antibacterial hand soap was found to be far superior at eliminating norovirus compared to alcohol-based hand sanitizers, which researchers called “relatively ineffective.”
On surfaces
- A chlorine bleach solution: When you’re cleaning a contaminated or high-touch area (think: bathrooms, kitchen countertops, floors), the CDC recommends using a chlorine bleach solution. “[This is] the best and most effective disinfectant cleaner,” says Dr. Brown. You can make it at home by mixing one gallon of room temperature water with five tablespoons (about 1/3 cup) of regular unscented household bleach, she adds. Keep in mind that while bleach is effective against norovirus, it needs to be handled carefully. Always follow the instructions on the label, use the product in a room with good ventilation, never mix household bleach with other disinfectants, and wash your hands well afterward. To tackle norovirus specifically, the CDC suggests leaving bleach on the affected area for at least five minutes, then rinsing everything again with hot water and soap.
- An EPA-registered disinfecting product: Aside from a chlorine bleach solution, “the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also has a list of registered disinfecting products that are effective against the norovirus,” says Dr. Brown. This database includes a wide range of products with various active ingredients, though many of them are designed for hospital or institutional settings and not readily available in stores. A few options we like include the Scrubbing Bubbles Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner (pack of 3, $24) and the Clorox Commercial Solutions Clorox Cleanup Disinfectant Cleaner with Bleach 1 ($12).
On your dishes
- Again, a chlorine bleach solution: The same bleach solution that can work on surfaces can also be used to sterilize dishes, utensils, and cutting boards, says Dr. Brown. “I suggest spraying them in the sink first,” she says, “then after five to six minutes, thoroughly washing them with soap and warm water.” If you don’t have bleach on hand, dishwashers, while not a perfect solution, do a slightly better job than hand-washing, a study published in PLoS One found. But, researchers observed that norovirus could withstand both manual and mechanical washing on kitchen surfaces.
On your clothes
- Detergent and hot water: Wear gloves when handling clothes that have vomit or poop on them, and try your best not to shake dirty items as you transfer them to the washing machine (FYI, this can spread viral particles around the room). Next, the CDC suggests washing all contaminated clothes with laundry detergent and hot water at the maximum available cycle length, then putting them through the dryer at the highest heat setting.
What to keep in your norovirus cleaning kit
Keeping a norovirus cleaning kit in your home will help you be prepared to deal with all sorts of messes after a stomach bug and prevent the virus from spreading. The USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture recommends having the following supplies on hand:
- Spare rolls of paper towels
- Extra toilet paper
- Trash bags
- A plastic bucket
- Disposable gloves
- Laundry detergent
- A bottle of household bleach
- Antibacterial liquid hand soap
- Extra sponges
- A mop and extra mop heads
How can you prevent norovirus and stay safe?
While norovirus is highly contagious, there are some things you can do to protect yourself from contracting the infection. Here are our expert-approved tips.
Wash your hands often
Seriously—this is a biggie! “The most important thing we can all do to reduce our risk of norovirus is to wash our hands with soap and warm water,” says Dr. Brown. Give your hands a good scrub before you eat, after preparing food, before giving someone medicine, and after using the toilet or changing diapers (norovirus can spread through poop and vomit for up to two weeks, even once you’re feeling better). You probably already know your hand-washing basics, but in case you need a refresher: The CDC recommends washing your hands with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds, or about as long as it takes you to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. “Remember to get the backs of your hands, the spaces between your fingers, and the area under your fingernails, particularly if they’re long,” says Dr. Choudhury.
Clean and disinfect
One of the more unpleasant tasks when you’re dealing with any kind of stomach bug is cleaning up vomit and diarrhea, but taking extra precautions can help prevent the virus from spreading even more. According to the CDC, you should wear rubber or disposable gloves, then wipe the entire area with paper towels and throw everything in a plastic trash bag. Next, disinfect affected surfaces (remember, a chlorine bleach solution or an EPA-registered product for norovirus is the most effective option). “The key is to thoroughly clean the entire area, not just the area where the vomit or stool is visible,” Dr. Brown explains. A person with norovirus can spread it simply by touching objects with their bare hands, says the CDC.
Take extra care if you’re the one who’s sick
If you’re feeling sick, stay home. And to prevent spreading the virus even further, you should ideally wait at least two days after your symptoms have improved before preparing or handling food, as well as caring for others, the CDC says. This is particularly important if you work in a restaurant, school, daycare, or long-term care facility.
Handle food carefully
Norovirus can spread through contaminated foods (raw oysters, lettuce, and fresh fruit are top culprits), so it’s important to carefully wash your produce, as well as routinely clean kitchen utensils, cutting boards, and surfaces after preparing food. Also, as delicious as raw oysters are, cooking shellfish thoroughly (a.k.a. until they have an internal temperature of at least 145°F) is your best bet during norovirus outbreaks. And if you do eat raw shellfish, check the Food & Drug Administration’s latest advisories to avoid varieties that are potentially infected by the virus.
When to see a healthcare provider
Symptoms of norovirus can feel uncomfortable, but the infection can be dangerous, too. While most people start to feel better in one to three days, the virus can lead to emergency visits or hospitalizations for some—such as pregnant people, older adults, and young children, who are particularly at risk of more severe cases. The virus can also cause dehydration, so let your healthcare provider know ASAP if you’re noticing symptoms like dry mouth, decreased urination, dizziness, or crying with few tears. They can guide your testing and treatment process, allowing you to feel better from the virus soon.