The moon hangs out in sultry Scorpio for a few more hours this morning and then enters bold, brash Sagittarius, a sign wholly unafraid of big ideas and even bigger plans. Your daily horoscope for the final Friday of 2024 is rife with inspiration and big-time optimism. Laughter is medicine at the moment, so LOL early and often, and choose spontaneity over seriousness as much as you can, without blowing up anyone’s schedule. If you haven’t made solid New Year’s Eve plans, this lunation might just convince you to book a last-minute jaunt out of town.
March 21–April 19
It’s time to listen to the call of the wild, Aries. The moon is in Sagittarius, your sister fire sign, and it can open your mind wide. You were born brave and audacious, but this lunar phase boosts your tendency to dive into new adventures head-first. It may just mean spending time with someone who makes you think, but it might also suggest that you go directly after someone or something that you want.
April 20–May 20
With the moon in your eighth house of deep intimacy, you might crave an incredibly close connection with another human. Whether you’re single or attached, this is an excellent time to explore the concept of desire and get into even closer touch with your own turn-ons. But it’s not about whether or not you have a partner, Taurus.
May 21–June 20
The moon enters your seventh house of relationships today, the same part of your chart that hosted a new moon at the beginning of December. This is your chance to check in on your progress over the last couple of weeks vis-à -vis your personal and professional partnerships. If you set intentions but haven’t yet hit your goals, give yourself a break—it can take time, Gemini.
June 21–July 22
The moon moves into your sixth house of work and wellness today, Cancer. Lean into wellness more than work, because it’s the last Friday of the year, and you deserve rest and rejuvenation above all. Tune into your breath, nourish yourself, consider a gentle yoga class, and know that you can start toiling again in January.
July 23–August 22
This Friday is fire, Leo. The moon slides into your sibling sign, Sagittarius, lighting up your house of romance, love, pleasure, and play. This is a high vibe for the final weekend of 2024. If you need a dose of uplifting energy, the stars have got you covered right now. This is an ideal date night, but also great for whatever kind of fun you can create, solo or with company.
August 23–September 22
You may not be up for going out tonight, even if there’s cool stuff going on, Virgo. The moon is entering your home zone, and you might be happier cooking or ordering in with a few friends and fam tonight. Keeping it hyper local and remaining in the confines of your own digs is more appealing than meeting new people at the moment.
September 23–October 22
Your mind is on fire right now, Libra. With the moon popping off in your third house of talking and texting, this is your most verbally provocative moment of the month. You know how to share even your most provocative ideas with a side order of captivating rizz, and there’s no reason to hold back on that right now. Consider an in-person conversation rather than texting if you must have a challenging convo.
October 23–November 21
The moon leaves your sign and saunters into your money zone today, putting you back in touch with your financial needs for the final few days of 2024. This is excellent for tying up loose ends and tweaking your budget before you sail off into the New Year, Scorpio. On the other hand, if you’re not in the mood for the practical stuff, you might instead wanna drop some cash on a hot fit for NYE.
November 22–December 21
Today marks the moon’s last official entrance into your sign for 2024. It’s your peak energy phase, it’s almost the weekend, and there’s no time to waste! It’s also the first Sagittarius lunation since the new moon in your stars at the very start of December. Use this opportunity to check in on any intentions you set one month ago. Are they working out?
December 22–January 19
The moon sweeps into your house of dreams and secrets today, Capricorn. This is both the prelude to the new moon in your sign early next week and a cosmic suggestion to take some deep rest and retreat. Don’t feel pushed to socialize if you’re not feeling it; it’s more than okay to prioritize self-care and beauty sleep.
January 20–February 18
With the moon dropping into your eleventh house of friends and groups this Friday, it’s likely to be a busy few days, Aquarius. Between keeping up with your various social feeds and party invites, it could be overwhelming. Choose the parts of your community that you care about rather than making appearances just to politely show your face. Meaningful connections are what matter right now.
February 19–March 20
The moon lights up your status sector starting today, Pisces. This means you get to show off, toot your own horn, and tell people how successful you plan to be in 2025. Yes, it’s worth your while to confidently talk about your biggest career plans, even if they’re not fully formed.