This Chic Haircare Brand Is All Over My Insta Feed, And It’s Seriously Good

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August 11, 2021 at 06:30AM

There’s high chance you’re already somewhat familiar with Gisou. The pretty bottles are basically beauty royalty over on Instagram, with all of the cool girls using them as props for stylish set-ups. Despite the fact the brand only launched in the UK a few weeks ago, I’d go as far to say it has been one of Instagram’s most popular beauty brands over the past couple of years. And I’m a little embarrassed to admit that it is because of this that I’ve been holding onto some resentment towards it.

You see, while I had become all too familiar with the way that those cult Gisou products looked, I had never, in all of the many hours I spent scrolling Instagram a day, seen a review on them. I had no idea what the claims were or whether they were even suitable for my finelimp hair.  As far as I was concerned, Gisou haircare was the definition of all style, no substance. If the products were really any good, why was no one actually talking about them?!

But then, a few weeks ago, a collection of the stuff landed on my desk to celebrate the brand’s long-awaiting launch in the UK. And while I would love to admit I tried them out of sheer journalistic interest and research, the truth is, they just looked too damn pretty to ignore. So, I ran myself a bath, lined up all of the Gisou products I had and tried every last one. 

First of all, let me just talk to you about the smell. Formulated with honey (which is insanely hydrating), all of the Gisou products smell like sweet heaven. Fresh but warm and comforting all at once, the smell is just unreal. The aesthetics speak for themselves. There’s a reason Gisou products are all over social media and it’s a lot to do with their impossibly good looks. Chic and luxe feeling, they’re the sort of thing you’d want to leave out on the side when guests come over. But be prepared, if you do this, guests will most likely want to get touchy feely with the products. They’re kind of irresistible.

But above all, I want to talk about the results. My hair has been in dire straits. It’s dry, brittle and breaking left, right and centre. Things have just been looking very drab. But after just one use of the Gisou products, my hair quite literally looked like someone else’s. Someone whose hair was thick, luscious and healthy. 

Ever the stubborn beauty journalist, I refused to accept such drastic results at face value and continued to use them every wash day for the next few weeks. And so, we arrive at today where it pains me to write that it’s time for me to eat my words, because Gisou products deserve all of the love, praise and social media fame that they get. Since using these products, I’ve been showered with hair-related compliments. Everything from its glossiness to its fragrance have won me praise.


So I’d like to make a very public apology to all of the Gisou products I have ever offended in my own thoughts. You didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t you, it was me. Will you please take me back? My hair needs you.

And I believe everyone should experience a slice of the Gisou pie. To help you suss out which products might be for your strands (and which ones won’t), here’s a rundown of everything in the line-up…

If you have curly, coiled or thick hair, this honey-infused oil makes for the perfect nourishing treat. For finer hair types like mine, a drop or two through the ends after washing keeps things shiny and sleek.

This stuff probably isn’t rich enough to use as a conditioner substitute, but if your hair is especially dry and needs detangling or even just a boost of hydration, just spritz it through lengths and let it do its thing.

This hair mask is rich, which usually implies it’s going to weigh down fine and thin hair. However, I think the magic is in how much you use. Curly hair types might want to use a hand-fill, but a finger-scoop does the trick for my super-long lengths. It leaves my strands seriously glossy.

I’m yet to try this but it’s next on my list. It says it works into a generous lather which sounds right up my street.

I have never smelled a hair perfume this good. It’s kind of reminiscent of Johnson’s Baby Shampoo but luxe and rich-smelling. I’ve been dousing myself with it every single day.

Again, I have been opting for the mask instead of the conditioner. Judging by the consistency and richness of the mask, I would say curly and drier hair would benefit from the mask better, but maybe this more lightweight conditioner will please my thin strands.

Rich in oils, this heat protecting spray doesn’t just keep strands holding strong during styling, it also nourishes and hydrates while it works.

This stuff has changed the game for me. I normally find wave sprays gritty and heavy, but a few spritzes through the ends when my hair is wet has it air drying like I’ve just stepped off the beach.

Designed to banish flyaways and cut drying time, this primer creates hold for styling and also strengthens strands to defend against breakage.  Next up, top hairstylists have spoken – these are the best cuts for every face shape.

Author Shannon Lawlor | Whowhatwear
Selected by CWC