I Have Type 4 Hair, and I’m Never Without These Products
March 15, 2022 at 06:30AM Let’s start with a confession: I was well into my late twenties when I had finally cracked the perfect haircare routine for my hair, products and all. Before that, it was all trial and error, and it wasn’t a pretty sight. Identifying my hair type was half the battle, the next hurdle was figuring out which products worked for natural hair. Sounds relevantly easy but with so many products available on the market, where do you start? Contrary to popular belief, type 4 hair is fragile and extremely susceptible to dehydration and breakage. Founder of haircare brand Equi Botanic, Ekwy Nnene tells me, there are two main objectives to consider when it comes to caring for type 4 hair, one keeping “hair moisturised’’ and secondly “preventing damage to ends”. Caring for my hair hasn’t been an easy feat, type hair 4 comes with…