Friday Faves

Friday FavesOctober 15, 2021 at 11:25AM Hi friends! Happy Friday! Howā€™s the week going so far? Thank you SO much for your amazing Fit Team enthusiasm and welcome to our new members! Iā€™m so pumped to have you on the team and I canā€™t wait to hear how you like the new platform + our upcoming November workouts. If youā€™d like more info about Fit Team, check out this page. The price will jump tonight at midnight! Howā€™s the week going so far? I hope youā€™ve had a great one. The girls are on fall break, so weā€™re thinking about doing a staycation at a local hotel for a night. Weā€™ve also been on a mission to check out all of the pumpkin patches and fall festivals. We went to the Marana pumpkin patch last weekend: (One of my favorite headbands; link is…

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088: Abs after baby with Daisy Andrea Bravo

088: Abs after baby with Daisy Andrea BravoOctober 14, 2021 at 07:24PM Hi friends! Happy Thursday! Iā€™ve got a new episode up on the ā€˜pod and today Iā€™m chatting with Daisy Andrea Bravo about abs after baby. When you hear ā€œabs after baby,ā€ itā€™s easy to think about getting a six-pack (or getting your six-pack back) because thatā€™s the messaging that weā€™re constantly bombarded with online. Iā€™m not talking about the appearance of your abs (even though that can be a nice bonus), but weā€™re talking about FUNCTION. Restoring core awareness post-pregnancy is a huge piece of the recovery puzzle and Iā€™m excited that Daisy is here to share her insights on one of my favorite fitness topics. We also chat about: ā€“ Considerations for prenatal fitness ā€“ Why everyone should see a pelvic floor PT ā€“ Some of her favorite exercises for…

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Fit Team is open! (Enrollment ends Sunday)

Fit Team is open! (Enrollment ends Sunday)October 13, 2021 at 11:31AM Sharing the details about Fit Team and our new membership site + app! Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! I have exciting news this morning: the Fit Team membership site is officially live!! Iā€™ve been SO pumped to share this with you and working hard to get it together over the past couple of months. Iā€™ll post more details about the new changes below, but first I want to tell you what Fit Team is all about! This is the LAST TIME Iā€™ll be opening enrollment in for 2021, so if youā€™ve been curious about joining, now is the time. Fit Team is open! What is Fit Team? An affordable online workout membership for those sick of hopping from plan to plan without seeing results, falling off the bandwagon constantly and struggling to stay…

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How Much Cardio Is Too Much? (A Clear Answer)

How Much Cardio Is Too Much? (A Clear Answer)October 11, 2021 at 11:50AM Running, biking and other aerobic exercise help improve your health and fitness. Find out just how much aerobic exercise is right for you and how much cardio is too much. Hi friends! Howā€™s the morning going?? We had an awesome weekend at the pumpkin patch and lots of fun adventures. For todayā€™s post, I updated an older *beefy* one with lots of fitness tips. If youā€™re wondering about how much cardio to do and need help with your routine, hop on the Fit Team wait list here! Enrollment opens this week (Wednesday!!) and I canā€™t wait to share it with you. I frequently get variations of the same question: What is a *good* amount of cardio? How much is too much? Whatā€™s the bare minimum? Let me dust off my…

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Friday Faves

Friday FavesOctober 08, 2021 at 11:34AM Hey hey! How is it Friday already?! Iā€™m not complaining that the week went by quickly, because Iā€™m definitely looking forward to a low-key weekend. Sleeping in each Saturday feels like a magical gift. šŸ˜‰ Weā€™re going to apple picking (necessary) and Iā€™m putting the finishing touches on the new Fit Team membership site. Access opens next Wednesday and Iā€™m SO PUMPED to share this with you!! Pop it in your calendar if youā€™ve been wanting to join us, and Iā€™ll be posting details here on the blog Wednesday morning and sending an email to Wait List friends Tuesday night. Iā€™d love to hear what you have going on this weekend! Any fall activities planned? Any awesome pumpkin recipes youā€™ve tried lately? Itā€™s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of…

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September Reader Favorites

September Reader FavoritesOctober 04, 2021 at 11:05PM Iā€™m rounding up what yā€™all having been loving and shopping this September. Here are the top 10 products Fitnessista readers purchased this month.Ā  I love sharing my favorites with you ā€“ whether itā€™s something for the girls, a staple in the Pilotā€™s closet, or my newest activewear finds ā€“ I enjoy sharing what we are using and loving, and love when you love them too! Here are the top 10 products Fitnessista readers purchased this month: Farrah Ankle Skinny Jeans A staple in my closet, I wear them constantly. Edged Chain Necklace A simple accessory that goes with most anything! I get a ton of compliments on it, too. Sage Midi Tank Dress Can dress up or down, this tank dress is perfect for Arizona weather year-round. Crimini Slipdress Elegant yet comfortable, I love the thin…

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Trunk Club Delivery And How It Works For Womenā€™s Clothing

Trunk Club Delivery And How It Works For Womenā€™s ClothingOctober 05, 2021 at 11:52AM Trunk Club is a service that lets you try clothes and accessories without ever leaving your home. Read about how Trunk Club works here, plus my latest shipment details. This isnā€™t sponsored, but you can use my link for $50 off your first trunk! Hi friends! Howā€™s the week going so far? I hope you had a lovely weekend. We had an auction at the girlsā€™ school (so fun!!) and celebrated a promotion that the Pilot had at work. Good things all around. For todayā€™s post, I wanted to share a recap of my latest Trunk Club and a review of how it works. Iā€™ve been a fan of Trunk Club for years and itā€™s a fun way to try new things and seasonally refresh my wardrobe. IĀ typically only…

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September 2021 Reads

September 2021 ReadsOctober 04, 2021 at 11:24AM Sharing the books I read in September and if Iā€™d recommend them! Hi friends! How are ya? I hope youā€™re enjoying the day so far. Iā€™m looking forward to getting some things together for Pā€™s birthday, and also working on some house stuff. For todayā€™s post, Iā€™m excited to share last monthā€™s reads because they were GOOD ones. Iā€™m still holding strong with my goal of 3 books per month, but this month was a little trickier than others. Iā€™ve been SO tired at night lately, I just want to crash as soon as I get the girls to bed. Somehow, I made it happen. Hereā€™s a recap of the goods for September! September 2021 Reads 1. The Inheritance of OrquĆ­dea Divina byĀ Zoraida CĆ³rdova I received this one from my Book of the Month subscription and…

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Friday Faves

Friday FavesOctober 01, 2021 at 06:24PM Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? Iā€™m looking forward to sushi with some friends, an event for the girlsā€™ school, and ALL the fall decorating. I wanted to drag everything out this past week, but didnā€™t end up getting the chance. Also, it makes me laugh to scroll Instagram and see pics of towering REAL pumpkins on doorsteps. They would last about 5 minutes here until the javelinas excitedly swarmed their pumpkin buffet. (Always the fake outdoor pumpkins. I painted that one years ago and Iā€™m surprised how long itā€™s lasted!) Itā€™s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some faves from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something youā€™re loving in the comments…

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The Ultimate Guide for Prenatal Workouts

The Ultimate Guide for Prenatal WorkoutsSeptember 28, 2021 at 11:59AM Itā€™s important to maintain an active lifestyle while pregnant. Here is my ultimate guide for prenatal workouts, so you can exercise in the safest and smartest way possible. As always, check with your doctor before making fitness changes or beginning a new routine, especially while youā€™re pregnant. Benefits of Prenatal Workouts I think we can all agree that movement is a GOOD thing, and is extremely beneficial for pregnant mamas and their growing babies. Here are a couple of reasons why itā€™s smart to maintain movement habits during pregnancy: Mood, energy level, and endorphins. Itā€™s a mood and confidence boost when you feel like so many things are out of control Maintaining muscle mass and strength, which will help your body support itself as it continues to grow and shift center of gravity.…

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