Christmas 2021 recap

Christmas 2021 recapDecember 27, 2021 at 11:44AM Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful day and that those who were celebrating are recovering from the festivities. I spent all day yesterday in my pajamas (took a break to lie horizontally in the sauna blanket) wondering what the heck just happened. 🙂 I’m back in the swing of things and heading out to teach a morning aerobics class.  For today’s post, I’m sharing a recap from our Christmas adventures! It was an amazing week with family and friends, and I always love the chance to get together and celebrate. Christmas 2021 recap Earlier last week, we went to stay at the Fairmont Princess in Scottsdale, and they do Christmas RIGHT. If you live close by, I highly, highly recommend it. (We went last year right before Christmas and decided it…

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Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Have yourself a merry little ChristmasDecember 24, 2021 at 11:59AM Hi hi friends! Happy Christmas eve to those who are celebrating this weekend. I’m taking the next few days off to enjoy with the fam, but I’ll be back on Monday. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful holiday with those you love. I’m so thankful to you for being here! Sending you love, happiness, a mug of warm mulled wine, and a grammie to top it off, Gina (the Pilot, Liv, P, Maisey, Caro..and Donut and Cookie, too) ** I’ll announce the favorite things giveaway winners on Monday, so last chance to get in your entries! Photos by Audria Abney The post Have yourself a merry little Christmas appeared first on The Fitnessista. Continue Reading… Author Fitnessista | Selected by CWC

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Winter Break Activities with Kids

Winter Break Activities with KidsDecember 22, 2021 at 11:11AM Hi friends! How’s the week going? We’re off on a little staycation – check out my IG stories for pics and adventures! – but for today’s post, I thought I’d share some fun activities to do with the kids while they’re home for Christmas break.  Insert MAJOR sigh of relief and all the cheer for Christmas break. I love having the kiddos home, and especially love zero alarms (except for the days I have to teach), slow mornings, and seeing where the day takes us. Our weeks are pretty busy around here between school, gymnastics and dance team, horse lessons, and soccer, so having a couple of weeks off lovely. (Not months off. I’m not putting that out into the universe.)  While I still have to work while the kiddos are home, I’ve been…

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15 festive holiday cocktail recipes

15 festive holiday cocktail recipesDecember 21, 2021 at 11:09AM Sharing 15 festive holiday cocktail recipes that are perfect for your Christmas dinner or morning brunch. Hi friends! Hope you’re having a lovely week! We’re up in Phoenix for a little bit enjoying some fun and am looking forward to the rest of the week’s festivities. I’m excited for Christmas Eve at my dad’s house and then Christmas day breakfast at our house. It’s the best to curl up with a mimosa and a cinnamon roll and watch the kids open their gifts before our day-long Christmas Story marathon. For today’s post, I wanted to share some holiday cocktail recipes if you’re planning your menu for the next couple of weeks! I feel like as far as holiday food goes, really anything goes. There are so many unique themes and family traditions for this time…

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Pulled BBQ Chicken Deviled Eggs

Pulled BBQ Chicken Deviled EggsDecember 20, 2021 at 11:40AM Deviled eggs are a traditional accompaniment to holiday meals or a backyard barbecue. Learn how to make the best deviled eggs using this recipe for Pulled BBQ Chicken Deviled Eggs. Hey friends! How’s the morning going? We’re on a little staycation enjoying some holly jolly fun. I’ll definitely be sharing the adventures in my IG stories.  For today’s post, I have a deviled egg recipe for ya! The inspiration for this recipe is from two places. #1: during Thanksgiving dinner, the deviled eggs that my brother’s gf made were a huge hit. (P, who only ate a roll and some mashed potatoes, had TWO of them… so you know they were delicious.) #2: They reminded me of the deviled eggs we used to get in Valdosta at Steel Magnolia’s. A little something special about…

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Friday Faves

Friday FavesDecember 17, 2021 at 11:54AM Hi friends! Happy Friday! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a wonderful one so far.  I can’t believe Christmas Eve is one week from today. I don’t even feel like I’m truly in the Christmas spirit this year… and it’s SO soon. We’ve been doing lots of fun and festive activities, but I’m not sure when I’ll actually feel like I’m *in it*, ya know? My brain is going a thousand miles a minute and I’m getting work stuff ready for Q1 and feeling kind of overwhelmed in a lot of areas. Yesterday, I finally got my life together while the girls were at school and wrapped a ton of gifts, which was a sigh of relief. Sending you a little note of solidarity and a hug if you’re feeling the same way this year. …

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WIAWDecember 15, 2021 at 06:21PM WIAW = What I ate Wednesday. Sharing a full day of eats, from start to finish.  Hi friends! How’s the day going so far? I have 1:1 clients this morning and am starting wrapping extravaganza after school. I only have two days to do it, so I better get crack-a-lackin.  For today’s post, I thought I’d share a WIAW style post, since they’re already being requested in my annual survey and I haven’t done one in a while. To be honest, I’ve developed mixed feelings towards these types of posts. I really thought they were just designed to share new ideas and food combos, but then I realized that they can also become a source of comparison. (An account I follow on IG did a great post about this, and I completely agree with everything she said.) I…

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12 days of Fitness Challenge

12 days of Fitness ChallengeDecember 14, 2021 at 11:19AM Sharing a build-a-workout combo, inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas Song. This 12 days of fitness challenge is short and sweet, and a fun way to add a little holiday cheer and extra challenge to your workouts for the next 12 days.  Hey friends! How’s the day going?? I’m BLOWN AWAY by all of your amazing giveaway entries and survey responses – thank you thank you for your help. The survey responses are invaluable to me, and I really appreciate your thoughts and feedback as I work on my content calendar for 2022. Please take 3 minutes today if you haven’t already filled out a copy! For today’s post, how about a lil workout challenge?  This one is based on the 12 Days of Christmas song, and builds on each day. For example,…

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Annual survey + Favorite Things Giveaway

Annual survey + Favorite Things GiveawayDecember 13, 2021 at 11:27AM Another year of blogging complete, and I just wanted to share how thankful I am for all of YOU. You make this little corner of the internet so.dang.amazing and I hope you know that I’m grateful I am for my circle of virtual BFFs.  Thank you for being there with me through some of the highest highs and lowest lows of our life as a family. You kept me company during multiple deployments, celebrated our babies being born, held me up during difficult times, made me laugh, and supported me, from your keyboards! I don’t take the work I’m able to do for granted, ever. Even when technology hates me, I’m on a deadline and pulling out my hair, or filming content for the third time in a row because I messed something…

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Friday Faves

Friday FavesDecember 10, 2021 at 03:25PM Hi hi! How are you? What are you up to this holly jolly weekend? We have an Elf party with friends – all the kids are wearing pajamas and watching Elf – a birthday party, I teach barre and train a few clients, and making tamales at my mom’s house. In my brain, it’s January already, but I’m trying to enjoy the last few weeks of this year as much as possible. I’d love to hear what you have going on! Obligatory yearly tree pic! This one is a GIANT – a 15-ft beauty. Soooooooo when I first saw this tree, I told the Pilot that it was the one. I then proceeded to wrap my arms around a few branches in a joyful embrace, but my bubble was quickly burst when I learned the price of said (disposable)…

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