104: Things that have helped my anxiety

104: Things that have helped my anxietyMay 26, 2022 at 04:38PM Hi friends. My heart is heavy following this week’s events, and behind the scenes, I am taking action in between praying for those sweet babies and their families. Today’s podcast episode was a common request in my 100 podcast episodes post, so I thought I’d cover this topic today. It’s also something that I feel has been magnified in some way or another for the past few years, so think it’s a relevant topic for this week. Today, I’m chatting about my experience with anxiety and some of the things that have helped me over time. PLEASE keep in mind that I’m not a therapist or a doctor. This is not medical advice and I’m just sharing my experience. If you struggle with anxiety or any mental health issues (or if you…

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gluten-free cashew chicken (with a secret ingredient!)

gluten-free cashew chicken (with a secret ingredient!)May 24, 2022 at 11:03AM Sharing a recipe for gluten-free cashew chicken that will change your liiiiiife. Not even joking. Hi hi! How’s it going? I hope you’re having a lovely morning. Today is a day off from the gym (taught dance cardio, barre, and aerobics all in a row and ya girl is spent), so I’m looking forward to reading by the pool with the crew and also getting some content done for an upcoming partner post with NOW Foods (you can use FITNESSISTA for 20% off sitewide! They have SO much amazing stuff). I also have a 1:1 client call and am getting some stuff done around the house. For today’s post, I have a new quick and easy dinner recipe for you that was a home run: gluten-free cashew chicken. TBH, I LOVE Chinese…

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pool party! + weekend things

pool party! + weekend thingsMay 23, 2022 at 11:38AM Hey hey! How are you? How was the weekend? Summer is officially HERE. Bless it. I feel like I have a little space to breathe without the school scramble (homework and all of the driving takes up a lot of the day), so I’m pretty pumped abut it. Friday was their last day, so we had a pool party luau here at the house for the girls and some of their best friends. The aftermath was amazing – our backyard looked like Vegas. Feathers, pineapples, sparkles, and empty cups everywhere haha. I got the cutest picnic setup from Wicked Picnic (highly, highly recommend them if you’re in Tucson). The centerpieces were pineapples wearing sunglasses and this garland from Etsy. We set up this little Photo Booth with this background, a balloon arch, and some…

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Friday Faves

Friday FavesMay 20, 2022 at 11:46AM Hi hi! Happy Friday!! What’s going on this weekend? Today is the kids’ last day of school and I’m SO READY for it. Bring on the slow summer mornings, pool parties with friends, and summer fun. We’re throwing a little luau for the girls’ school friends today, so I’ll report back with the details (and will definitely share over on IG stories). The menu: mediterranean chopped salad, grilled lemon chicken, pizza, homemade salsa and chips, artichoke dip and crackers, the best tequila sangria for the adults, banana pudding cups, gf brownies with peanut butter frosting, and the shaved ice truck is going to be parked in our front yard. It should be pretty epic 🙂 I’d love to hear what you have going on this weekend! It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where…

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How to eat for your menstrual cycle

How to eat for your menstrual cycleMay 18, 2022 at 11:08AM Sharing tips on how to eat for your menstrual cycle and how to change up your nutrition throughout the month! Hi friends! How’s the week going so far? I ended up catching an amaaaazing hot yoga class -it’s been way too long!- and also got a ton of chores done around the house. Today is triple 1:1 appointments and prepping for Total Body Reset. We start on Monday!! Don’t miss out. For today’s post, I wanted to share a post from Mia all about how to change up your nutrition during your cycle. She asked me if I would be interested in a plan for my personal use, and I knew immediately that it would make an awesome blog topic. I shared a post here about how to change up your workouts…

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The latest Trunk Club

The latest Trunk ClubMay 16, 2022 at 05:18PM Sharing what I got in my latest Trunk Club shipment, what I plan on keeping, and what’s going back. This post isn’t sponsored, and sadly last week, Trunk Club disabled their referral program. I still highly recommend it, even though I can no longer offer a discount code.  Hi friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far. I’m getting in an upper body workout and spending the rest of the day getting things together for a little pool party luau we’re hosting for the kids and their school friends this week. I can’t believe it’s the last week of school! I’m also trying to batch as much work as possible to get ready for the relaxed summer schedule. A quick question: it’s been a little while, but I’m thinking…

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Friday Faves

Friday FavesMay 13, 2022 at 11:01AM Hi friends! Happy Friday! The weekend is heeeeeere. What do you have going on?? The girls have triple birthday parties (WHEW!), and I’m looking forward to a margarita by the pool, planting some new flowers in the backyard (not the front yard, because javelinas eat them), and a new baking project (details below!). I’d love to hear what you have going on. Something exciting coming up: another round of Total Body Reset. You can get all of the details here! Price will jump on Sunday night at midnight, so if you know you’re in, and want some extra support and accountability as we head into summer, now is the chance. 🙂 We are also very flexible with payment plans and don’t want price to hinder anyone from joining. If you need an alternate plan, email me: gina@fitnessista.com…

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103: Sustainable weight loss tips

103: Sustainable weight loss tipsMay 12, 2022 at 11:23AM Hi friends! In today’s podcast episode, I’m chatting all about sustainable weight loss tips. This is a common request I receive on Instagram and while I did a series of stories on this subject, I feel like it would be better to have it all in one spot in a podcast episode! Disclaimer: due to today’s topic, I don’t recommend listening with kids in the car. They shouldn’t worry about how much they weigh —  they should focus on playing with their friends and enjoy being a kid. Something worth mentioning here: weight loss is not the holy grail of health. Do not tie your worth to how much gravitational pull your body has towards the earth. It is possible to be considered *overweight* and feel amazing, and also have beautiful blood work and be…

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5 High Protein Meal Prep Recipes

5 High Protein Meal Prep RecipesMay 10, 2022 at 11:39AM Sharing 4 high protein meal prep recipes! Some new inspiration if you’re looking to amp up your protein intake. Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning. We’re coming out the other side from dance competition straight into dance picture night at the studio (WHEW) and I’m looking forward to getting some work and studying for IHP done today. I’d love to hear about what you have going on! Today, let’s chat about protein!! I try to hit 4-5 palm-sized servings of protein per day (based on my personal goals, activity level, body composition, etc.) and protein can be hard to hit if I haven’t done some advance planning and prepping. I’ve learned the hard way that it makes a huge difference to have protein in the fridge, ready…

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April book recap

April book recapMay 09, 2022 at 11:17AM Sharing the books I read in April and if I’d recommend adding them to your list! Hi friends! Happy Monday! How was the weekend? I hope you had an amazing one! We went to Phoenix for a dance competition, and got to spend lots of time with family, which was lovely. We had an awesome brunch for Mother’s Day at Hacienda del Sol, I napped with Maisey, and we capped off the evening with Indian food, wine, and watching Little Women with the crew. For today’s post, I’m sharing a recap of the books I read in April. I’m still holding strong at my goal of 3 books per month, and absolutely loved last month’s selection. I’d love to hear what you’re currently reading and if you have recs for any fun, summer reads! Also a little…

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