17 Pairs of Party Tights That Are Anything But Boring
December 11, 2021 at 07:00AM Over the years, the fashion industry has sometimes had a bit of an anti-tights stance. You often see articles debating how long one can feasibly leave it before having to dredge out the denier 40s as if it’s some sort of anti-fashion faux pas. In reality, most people I know (myself included) jump at the chance to say goodbye to bare legs and fake tan the moment the mercury drops below 10ÂşC, and even more so when party season hits. Thankfully, there’s a long list of fashion lovers who make a very good case for the elevating powers of party tights (Alexa Chung probably being the OG tights queen). Whether it’s polka dots, sparkly finishes or classic fishnets, there are more than enough to choose from. My personal revelation was realising that party tights look their best in a lower denier, such as 15…