40 Blunt Bobs That Are Making Me Completely Rethink Having Long Hair
December 12, 2021 at 06:30AM Having a hairdresser for a mum has meant that I’ve done just about everything you can think of to my hair. I’ve been platinum blonde, mahogany brown and everything in-between. I’ve framed my face with feathering and had thick fringes cut in. I’ve had hair down to my waist and chopped to my chin. It’s fair to say I was pretty fearless with my hair. That is until I got older.I don’t know why, but for some reason, I’ve defaulted to long-length hair in a creamy hue with lived-in roots. But after witnessing some impressive hair transformations on Instagram of late, I’m finally going to give my ‘do a refresh. And the look I’m toying with is a blunt bob.The blunt bob has undergone a bit of a resurgence as of late. A far cry from the dreaded bowl cut, instead, influencers…