Understanding the Third House in Astrology: Your Communication Style Explored
Do you have a way with words? Maybe you’ve always considered yourself a poet, dressing up words in a pretty bow and making even the most mundane conversations interesting. Or, perhaps you’re less concerned about being engaging and have a practical, straight-to-the-point approach when conveying ideas. If you’ve ever wondered what makes you the communicator you are, look to the third house in astrology, which discerns how you process information, share your ideas, and interact with your environment. You don’t have to be an expert in astrology to know that planets impact your birth chart. Beyond sun signs, your personality is contingent on many astrological elements, including the 12 astrological houses—the 12 sections in your birth chart associated with different areas of life: your emotional temperament, self-esteem, and even your worldview. The third house is the house that rules your mind, dictating how…