Flourless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars
Flourless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip BarsFlourless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip BarsOctober 23, 2023 at 11:22AMRe-sharing this post because it’s a yearly staple for us and I know so many of you love them, too!! These flourless pumpkin chocolate chip bars are SO good and I usually have all of the ingredients for this healthy fall dessert on hand and ready to go.Let the avalanche of all things pumpkin continue.I feel like this year, a lot of people are playing it cool when it comes to pumpkin. You know, trying not to act *too* excited about its arrival. (Also it could totally be the fact that many of us are still experiencing true summer weather.) And then, there are people like me who have already enjoyed many PSLs, and upon seeing the shelf of pumpkin-filled cans at Trader Joe’s, I did the slow-mo run to them,…