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Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce

January 19, 2023 at 10:38AM

Got a picky eater on your hands? Sneak in an extra serving of vegetables with this hidden veggie pasta sauce. Just cook and blend ingredients and top onto your favorite pasta. Your kiddo (or adult!) won’t know any different! Lately I’ve been sharing a lot of kid-friendly recipes since I’ve got my own little picky eater under my roof. My once “will eat anything to matter the taste, color or texture” baby won’t touch a vegetable with a 10 foot pole. Pasta on the other hand? Can’t get enough! Can you really blame her? So to ensure she’s getting proper nutrition I developed the perfect hidden veggies pasta sauce to sneak in an extra dose of veggies into her diet. This recipe is the perfect mix of veggies and flavor but tastes just like tomato sauce! It can also be frozen into individual servings and stored in the freezer. Here’s how to make it: Why You’ll Love This Recipe Anyone with a kid knows how challenging it can be to get them to eat their veggies. Yes – even the least picky of toddlers still don’t eat a whole lot! Some of this is normal, boundary-testing behavior but that doesn’t […]

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Author Davida Lederle | citywomen.co

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