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Corduroy Jackets Are Fall’s Unsung Style Hero – Shop Our Favorites

October 06, 2022 at 12:45PM

Corduroy and fall are practically synonymous with one another at this point. Perhaps it’s their inimitably cozy appeal or the way that each tends to embrace a warmer color palette. Regardless of what exactly it is that makes the pair so perfect for one another, we can always count on the fact that come October, our closets suddenly become ridden with corduroy styles galore – from trousers and button-down vests to corduroy jackets and more.

But hey, we’re not complaining! And with the resurgence of so many ‘90s-derived fashion styles this season, we find ourselves especially drawn to corduroy jackets and all of the outfit versatility that they provide. Whether it’s a polished corduroy blazer or a chunky corduroy puffer jacket to cropped styles, oversize pieces, and even a ribbed shacket or two, corduroy jackets truly are the fall season’s unsung style hero, perfect for wearing everywhere from the office and postwork football games to cozy autumnal activities (hello, apple picking!), snuggly date nights at home, and beyond.

In the spirit of this corduroy-obsessed season, we’ve curated a guide of the very best corduroy jackets for fall – with styles for women that are available to shop at every price point and from some of our favorite retailers, no less. Browse our picks ahead!


The 22 Best Jackets and Coats For Cold Weather

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Author Kyley Warren | citywomen.co
Selected by CWC