12 Delicious Tomatillo Recipes

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12 Delicious Tomatillo Recipes

12 Delicious Tomatillo Recipes
July 31, 2023 at 02:44PM

From salsa verde to green enchiladas, tomatillos feature prominently in so many recipes! They’re the perfect addition to any main or side dish and taste delicious paired with everything from chicken to pork to avocado and cilantro. Check out this list of 12 insanely delicious tomatillo recipes with a full break down on how to use them. What Are Tomatillos? Before we talk about tomatillo recipes we need to discuss what tomatillos actually are! Tomatillos are a small round fruit and one of the members of the nightshade family which also includes tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and potatoes. They are native to Mexico and typically used in Mexican and Central American and Latin American cuisine. As far as flavor goes they are slightly tangy and citrusy. The fruit itself is covered in a papery husk that is inedible and must be removed before eating. A ripe tomatillo is typically firm to the touch and slightly sticky (more on that below). The most common use for tomatillos is salsa verde, a Mexican salsa made with roasted tomatillos, white onion, garlic cloves, spicy peppers and cilantro (check out my homemade roasted tomatillo salsa). It is also commonly used in soups and stews though […]

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Author Davida Lederle | citywomen.co

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