Your Weekly Horoscope for December 29, 2024 to January 4, 2025
The new year starts on a dramatic note in your weekly horoscope for December 29, 2024, to January 4, 2025. First, you experience a turning point in your healing journey when Chiron (which represents your deepest pain and wounding) retrograde ends in Aries on December 29. You may feel more tender and sensitive but also empowered and in awe at your growth over the last few months. Luckily, there’s a new moon in Capricorn to look forward to on December 30. This is actually the best day of the year to set New Year’s resolutions and intentions. You have the determination and grit to nail down your five-year plan and to bring those visions to life! Don’t forget to celebrate all you’ve accomplished this year, too. On the same day, December 30, Mercury in Sagittarius connects with Chiron in Aries, prompting healing conversations.…